The numeric input field should be activated automatically for modifying functions such 'offset'

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The numeric input field should be activated automatically for modifying functions such 'offset'

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The numeric input field should be activated automatically for modifying functions such 'offset' because it would be a mouse positioning and a click save for every modification.
Default now that the input field opens but will be not activated for input when selecting a modifying function. To enter the required value the user is forced to click the numeric input field for typing.
There could be a logic, in case of number keys are pressed the input field became activated.
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Re: The numeric input field should be activated automatically for modifying functions such 'offset'

Pressing the Space tab should activate the command line input field.
But it doesn't always respond. It seems that if you end a command with with the ESC tab, the feature is killed. Only after a right mouse click (an ESC command as well) it is responsive again. But you want to avoid mouse clicks.
Maybe it would be indeed the simplest to have the command line input field active always. To be discussed.
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Re: The numeric input field should be activated automatically for modifying functions such 'offset'

Yes. Pressing Space key activates command input field, but not the numeric value input field. It would help if the Space key would toggle between the two fields, or if number keys get pressed, the number input fields get activated. Or if numbers are input to the command input field it would mirror to numeric input field. Or all solution at once?
Thank you for considering.
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Re: The numeric input field should be activated automatically for modifying functions such 'offset'

I see I have misunderstood your complaint. With numeric input field you mean those in the Tool Options bar, appearing above the drawing area depending on the use of certain tools. Well, it gets complicated then. The Tool Options bar may contain more than one numeric value input field, for instance with Line - Parallel.
I admit it is laborious to use as it is now. I am not a developer, but I think a developer would prefer to better not touch this, as it might be opening a can of worms.
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Re: The numeric input field should be activated automatically for modifying functions such 'offset'

I'm not a developer either so I have no clue how much work is to implement these kind of changes. I was the fastest working civil ingenieur designer in the '90s in the companies I worked for, using AutoCAD software. So I have only clue about how important it is to garantie the flawless workflow for the designer. It is also important that not everybody likes things how they are wired in, so there should be some flexibility implemented that the user could adapt some changes for personal preferences.
I'am not working as a designer anymore so I do not know how modern designer softwares are working. I can imagine they have evolved since the '90s pretty much. I like LibreCAD and using since two month for personal projects. I gave suggestions to revork workflow for the Tool Options bars input field because I feel some work to be put in it needed. I can live with the present capabilities also. So thank You everybody presenting this great and free software for us.
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Re: The numeric input field should be activated automatically for modifying functions such 'offset'

Unfortunately modern software often ignores things like tab order so it doesn't work well for keyboard users. Your comments about efficiency improvements are welcome.