Tutorial LibreCAD - Beginner Level

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How to Create a Block (2) - Librecad Tutorial

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1. Draw your entity ( a window)
2. From the menu select Block Create Block
3. Select your entity that will make up the block
4. Once the entity have been selected press the ENTER key
5. Specify the reference point of the block
6. The reference point is the base of the object when it is inserted
7. Write a unique name for the new block

Librecad untuk Indonesia..
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How to Use Mouse in Librecad

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The mouse has an important role in Librecad. There are three essential parts of a mouse, namely, the left button, right button, and a scroll wheel.

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How to Create Simple Floor Plan LIBRECAD (Part 1)

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A floor plan is a scaled diagram or sketch of a room or building viewed from above. The floor plan may depict an entire building, one floor of a building, or a single room. It may also include measurements, furniture, appliances, or anything else necessary to the purpose of the plan.

Use librecad to create a floor plan its very easy, faster, and fun.

Librecad untuk Indonesia..
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How to Create Simple Floor Plan LIBRECAD (Part 2)

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Design a simple floor plan use librecad software.
Librecad is the best 2D software aplication. Work on windows, linux, mac.
Librecad is free. You can create design, modify, modelling.

Librecad untuk Indonesia..
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How to Create Simple Floor Plan LIBRECAD (Part 3, 4, 5, 6)

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Different Ways To Draw a Rectangle

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There are several techniques to draw a rectangle in librecad.
1) Use horizontal and vertical lines
2) Use "rectangle command"
3) Use polyline

Librecad untuk Indonesia..
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Re: How to Create a Block (2) - Librecad Tutorial

In reply to this post by mancad
Thank you very much, Brother from Indonesia. I never saw such collection of video tutorials made specifically for LibreCAD from the fundamentals except yours. I wish you health and prosperity.



PS: I am a new member and this is my first post.
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Re: How to Create a Block (2) - Librecad Tutorial

Thank you Malsasa

I hope you enjoy our videos.
Librecad untuk Indonesia..
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How I Move an Object - Librecad 2D Free CAD

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This video show you
How to move an object or an entity

1. Select the object/entity
2. Select move
3. Click on reference point
4. Click on the target point or
5. Insert a new (horizontal, vertical) target point

Librecad untuk Indonesia..
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Drawing a Simple Door

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Drawing a basic door
How to draw a door using librecad
How to create a door with librecad tutorial

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How to Print in Librecad

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Print drawing in libecad
Use your printing system on your computer
Print cad
Scale paper

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How to use map (From Google Earth) in Librecad drawing

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The same way to import image into Librecad drawing.
You can create map (overlay).

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How to Draw Line with Specific Length - Librecad Tutorial

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Draw line use 2 points
Draw line with specific length and specific direction
Horizontal line
Vertical line

Line with angle
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Convert an Object to Lines - Librecad Tutorial

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The Convert to Lines command changes a single object into the series of lines needed to create it. For example, a rectangle is converted into four lines.

Explode the shape

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How to draw youtube logo use LIBRECAD

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Drawing a simple logo use librecad.
There are many tools i librecad you can use to create logo.
Librecad is very simple and free to use.

Librecad untuk Indonesia..
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How do you use layers in libreCAD?

Drawings can be organized by assigning objects to layers according to logical categories. LibreCAD drawings can quickly become visually complex, and difficult to structure as more objects are added.

Layers are the primary method for organizing the objects in a drawing by function or purpose. Layers can reduce the visual complexity of a drawing and improve display performance by hiding information that you don't need to see at the moment.

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Librecad Tips and Tricks : Fix Problem When Your Computer Running Very Slow

Turn on/off draft mode (to hide all hatchs in your drawing, to prevent LibreCAD from slowing down).

Librecad untuk Indonesia..