Separating a drawing into pages

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Separating a drawing into pages

I drew a house, floor plan, roof plan, cross section and four exposures all in one document. How do I separate each into a separate pdf page?
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Re: Separating a drawing into pages

One way, you may separate them into layers.

when printing (to PDF), set other layers invisible. For example, all floor plans are in "Floor1", "Floor2", etc. layers, and roof planes in "Roof1", "Roof2", etc. If you make only Floor layers visible, you may get a floor only PDF.

Another way could be defining all floors into a block, and you may save block entities to a file.
bkvanbek wrote
I drew a house, floor plan, roof plan, cross section and four exposures all in one document. How do I separate each into a separate pdf page?
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Re: Separating a drawing into pages

Isn't there another way? I want to maintain layers and I don't know how to do blocks.
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Re: Separating a drawing into pages

In reply to this post by bkvanbek
 This is really a feature request to select an area/layers on a drawing, say a viewport, and print it. It's a fairly common feature in drawing packages and a reasonable request.

In the absence of the (any) feature, use a workaround.
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Re: Separating a drawing into pages

In reply to this post by bkvanbek
What I've seen from an architect is draw a rectangle fitting the printer size, copy it around as many times as needed, then copy parts of the drawing into it as needed for prints.

The rectangle was part of a block which contained the credits and other things.

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Re: Separating a drawing into pages

In reply to this post by bkvanbek
In Print Preview you can shift the paper sheet around and place it under the desired part of the drawing, for instance beneath floor 1. When you export to pdf instead of printing on paper then you get separate pdfs for each view. You have to know about how to set up paper size, scale etc properly of course.

There is a catch though: the resulting pdf file will still contain the surrounding drawing parts outside of the view area, they are just hidden. So the file will be much, much larger than necessary. So it is still a good advice to separate the views to extra layers so you can switch them off and prevent them to get into the pdf file in a hidden way.
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Re: Separating a drawing into pages

I separated them by deleting all but one drawing, saved the one as a new file, then "undo" my deletions. I repeated this for each of the 6 other drawings.

Thanks for you help on this.
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Re: Separating a drawing into pages

You can do several sheets for each drawing and printing one by one like in this demo:

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Re: Separating a drawing into pages

Jota wrote
like in this demo:
Unfortunately, I don't think it demonstrates anything. Perhaps you mean to highlight specific frames?