it's rather odd. Usually you can drag/drop it into your trashcan easily, I have done this many times myself. Then you can right click your trashcan and select 'Empty Trash'.
About support for DWG,
our current problem with DWG support is that there isn't a library that is good enough for loading/saving DWG files.
There is LibreDWG, but that library only loads DWG versions up to 2004. Since the DWG file format is proprietary
it's very hard for the LibreDWG people to make this stable and keep up with AutoCAD's releases.
There is also a commercial DWG library, but that isn't compatible with GPL, so even if we buy a license for it,
we are not allowed to ship it with LibreCAD.
On Dec 28, 2012, at 5:18 AM, autochris [via LibreCAD] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Thx for the reply.
That was not so easy as far as the icon was left in launchpad (after the procedure described above) and still it was possible to start the program.
Finally I managed to remove it using forklift and deleting the program from the hidden .trash directory.
The only reason I removed librecad was lack of dwg format. Is there a chance to have it included in future versions?