Windows version

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Windows version

I finally managed to build a Windows version with Qt Creator.
Now I just have to adapt the CMakeList.txt for swig and python.

@dxli: can you please add python and swig to pixi for me.
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Re: Windows version

I will look into this one.

emanuel wrote
I finally managed to build a Windows version with Qt Creator.
Now I just have to adapt the CMakeList.txt for swig and python.

@dxli: can you please add python and swig to pixi for me.
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Re: Windows version

In reply to this post by emanuel
Thanks for the help! - it is so much work...

I'm happy that I finally found the errors when building Windows.
It was banal, they were file names from my src.
I hardly ever do anything in Windows.
I started with C in the mid-90s with Mingw.
But when Linux came along, I didn't do anything in Windows with capital letters anymore.

attached is a screenshot of the color dialogs in scripting (acad_colordlg, acad_truecolordlg)

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Re: Windows version

Ups, black is still there (index)
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Re: Windows version

In reply to this post by emanuel
>attached is a screenshot of the color dialogs in scripting (acad_colordlg, acad_truecolordlg)

But why the color dialog in scripting should be different from dialogs used by core?
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Re: Windows version

because of language compatibility.

A distinction is made between DXF 52 + bylayer/block and 402.
It was a lot of work, but that's AutoLisp. And my LibrePython is based on the AutoLisp dialect. It's again Script API + API Component and can be used 1:1 in the API, also works as a standalone (flag) TrueColor like in the API now.
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Re: Windows version

Windows and the color dialogs were a nice little change.

I've been writing the entity accesses and manipulations for weeks and it's going on...

Then everything in Python again, which is really a challenge in this case, for the sake of memory cleanliness. I have to count everything before I return something.

Then all the selection functions ssget are missing...
and the ugly slide is also missing, but we already have svg in the script gui.

The goal is real AutoLisp compatibility for "Libre".