This can be done in v2, but not so easy.
To simply put each letter at chosen position and angle:
1, Type in your text as ordinary text;
2, Explode the text;
3, move/rotate each letter/character;
random idea, I feel this should be done by scripts:
one way: play with the "Ascii file" plugin. May need to expand it, to accept format like: 'letter', position, angle;
another way, since V3 accepts Lua scripts, specify letter, position, angle in lua.
LexSo wrote
Hello LibreCAD users,
I want to arrange a specific text in a specific circle measurement (text height 13,5mm between a circle with radius 41,5mm and circle with radius 55mm) - the text should be ordered clockwise filling the whole circle.
I only found options to put the whole text in a specific angle but straight.
Thank you,
regards LexSo