auto saves

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auto saves

I've been working on a new speaker enclosure design for hours. If you've done it you know that this can be time consuming making changes to the design after sim runs etc. Anyway, Librecad crashed and I cant seem to find where all the auto saves went. It says its auto saving anyway. Does anyone know where these are kept?
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Re: auto saves


Check Options/Application prefences/ see Paths and Defaults tabs.
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Re: auto saves

Auto backup box is ticked but nothing about what folder or where. Thanks though
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Re: auto saves

In reply to this post by bikerjay
Paths should show the file, where the backup is updated.
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Re: auto saves

In reply to this post by bikerjay

By default, auto saving should save to the same folder as the current drawing.

First, verify your auto saving is enabled (default to 5 minutes intervals): edit (or Options)> application preferences> default

For development, we may want to go extra to avoid user data loss:

1, always saving another copy to the user data folder? Potentially loitering, but I guess nowadays people are all ruining with disk space of hundreds of GBs at least;
2, display folders of the user data folder at start up(in command messages), if backup files found there.