cannot assign Light Grey to a layer using Edit Layer Attributes

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cannot assign Light Grey to a layer using Edit Layer Attributes

I am using Windows 7 pro, with LC 2.1.3
in my drawing, i just noticed that when trying to assign Light Grey to a layer using Edit Layer Attributes, i cannot assign Light Grey - the change does not stick.  

to test this was not an issue in my drawing, i created a new drawing (no layers to start with).  i created a test 1 layer and a test 2 layer.

if i edit layer attributes select test 1 and change the layer colour to GREEN i see the change in the layer list straight away, and, if i edit the layer attributes for layer test 1 i also see the layer colour is green. editing test 2 layer colour is the same. i did the same test with 6 or so diff colours no probs.

BUT when i edit a layer's attributes to change the colour, and if i select light grey, the colour does not change either in the layer list or in edit attributes list.

could this be an issue with my configuration ? (maybe a corrupted entry somewhere ?)
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Re: cannot assign Light Grey to a layer using Edit Layer Attributes

Light grey seems not to exist. Even if you draw something directly as light grey (not via layer property) or try to change to it as general property. A bug!