change colours so that I can see what I draw

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change colours so that I can see what I draw

Hi there, and I'm glad I found libreCAD. I don't like drawing on a black screen but when I change the background to white I have problems seeing the lines I draw. I cannot find anything in the settings to change the colour of lines, dots circles and so on.
Otherwise I really like the program (I tried the other one with the workbenches before )
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Re: change colours so that I can see what I draw

You can't change the screen colour of lines which are meant to be black on paper or pdf output. You can of course use a coloured pen or layer colour, and then in Print Preview set Black/White mode for output.

I personally prefer a light grey background, like #ebebeb, I find it easier on the eyes.
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Re: change colours so that I can see what I draw

Thanks! I see. The grey is a very good idea I'll take that one!