LibreCAD Version: "LibreCAD-Installer_2.0.0beta1.exe" (from
Solution: "current" master branch version fixes the issue. ( January 28th 2013 )
Solution Link: the before mentioned version this is a problem:
--- PREP STAGE ---
1. Draw a box 10 ft. by 10 ft.
2. Select the box and make it a block called "box".
3. Add a new layer called "dim" and select.
4. Click on the block "box" in the Block list.
5. Click edit the active block.
6. Add two dimensions. One for horizontal and one for vertical.
7. Close window/block-edit.
8. Save.
9. Close file.
--- TO FIND BUG ---
1. Open file.
2. Edit the block "box".
3. Delete one of the dimensions.
3. Close window/block edit
4. Save
5. Close file.
6. Open file.
7. Dimensions reappear. <<-- BUG
Hope this is useful for others. -unimatrixdoc