I am interested in utilizing LibreCAD to do string art design (see
string art video). I feel I may need the following:
(1) Set the boundaries of a work area (letter is 8.5"x11" for example).
(2) Within the boundaries, use combinations of lines, circles, arcs, and splines to create "paths" for the placement of nails. Possibly bit mapped images would need to be traced.
(3) Using a small circle to simulate a nail head, place a nail a certain "path distance" along a path to create spacings.
(4) Use "point to circle tangent" and "two circle tangents" to create lines simulating string wound around nails.
(5) Use layers for different colors of string, the nails, and the paths.
Would someone be kind enough to produce a tutorial for me? I would look up the above functions in the user's manual, but I see that it is under construction. A tutorial would be a great help, or even just explanations of parts of what I have written above.
Thanks kindly,