Thanks for the advice but I am no further forward. I am using windows 10 and have downloaded librecad 2.2.0. I seem to have only circle options on the toolbar and there is no curve tool option available. Have tried your other suggestion modify-divide but this does not work properly either. My, lines start on 0,0 and are 100mm apart and 200mm long and i have created a circle 100mm dia with its centre on the end of the lines, below is what happens !
modify-divide "specify entity to cut (ci- enter). "specify center" (50,200-enter). "specify point on circle"
(0,200-enter). At this point I was expecting to see something like "specify second point on circle" but what happens is it creates a second circle of the same size on top of the original and the command line reverts to "specify entity to cut". It is probably me but could there be problems with the windows 10 version of librecad especially as I am missing the curve toolbar.