icon colors

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icon colors

This post was updated on .
I'm curious: what would you choose for the icon color?

dellus has completed the new SVG icon set!
He has generously released this pack under the cc0 license.

I've offered a few OS X beta versions using lightskyblue;
and will offer a few different colors for the release of 2.1.0.

Anyone that can build LibreCAD from source
can use a script to change all the icons in librecad/res/icons.
Just loop through the folder and do a string replacement of #00ff7f
I'll offer my Python script after I add a tkinter GUI.

Attached is the whole folder from the main repository if you want to experiment with InkScape.

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Re: icon colors

let's see           mediumslateblue #7B68EE
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Re: icon colors

Not enough contrast for me, but I uploaded beta-08 with it.
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Re: icon colors

agreed, much too dark
but the  aquamarine is too close to the old green
the best (was) is your bluesky
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Re: icon colors

I changed the default from lime (00ff00) to springgreen (00ff7f),
because it's less intense / I prefer it.

I'll also offer lightskyblue and maybe aquamarine.