cranky, thanks for detailing your request.
I've seen some tickets on regarding this, bugs and feature requests, so it should not be forgotten.
As dxli said, one problem is manpower. At the moment the focus is on forcing the stability of LC for a final release.
From my point of view the problem is not adding the commands and shortcuts to some text strings. As developer I have to think about how I can simply keep consistency between translatable GUI strings, the menu bar, the command line interface and not least the documentation. So this is not a minor job to do.
When I translated LC to German a couple of weeks ago I saw, that there is demand to handle, but this is not a job for a release candidate.
When dxli asked for help, I think he would say, that there is a lot to do to push LC forward. What kind of help depends on the interests and capabilities of each individual. Even using the software and reporting issues or feature requests supports the project. Alternative one can write documentation, tutorials or wiki articles or support other users in the forum and not least translating or tinker around the sorce code.
As dxli said, every help is welcome.
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