only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?

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only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?

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only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?

You need to disable "Draft" mode. Make sure you uncheck the following item:

Main menu: View->Draft
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Re: only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?

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Re: only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?

The Icon has changed since version 2.1

investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
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Re: only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?

Thank you Lord of Bikes,
 ' draft ' mode was set and  causing my problem,
cleared it and OK now.
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Re: only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?
In reply to this post by dxli
Thanks a lot I solve the problem by click on the Draft Mode as you suggest
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Re: only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?

I the latest development version, "Draft" will be shown on in the corners of the drawing view. Hopefully, we will confuse users less.
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Re: only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?

To dxli: I just read your message about new "Draft" messages, 4 months later.  I'm still reading posts about dimension problems while printing.  Always issues in software development between including it one simple way versus alternative options.  At least a "Draft" message of some sort get users onto a track to a solution. I'm not sure how well it will work but at least it's an effort to address the problem.

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Re: only empty boxes/frames are shown for image/text? no line thickness?

I do have the problem of text (dimensions or TEXT tool) only showing an empty rectangle while  draft mode is NOT ON.
At the moment I am stuck.

Well I am now unstuck: I just closed the program and re-opened it. It was just a local bug (the bugger!)

Matter closed for me