shape intersection

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shape intersection

I am trying to draw a shape that is the intersection between a circle and a rectangle. The result should be a circle with two parallel flat surfaces, one on top, and one on the bottom. I know the center of the circle and the radius. I know the height of the rectangle which has the same center as the circle. I can draw both shapes, but I want to trim away all parts of the rectangle that fall outside the circle, and all parts of the circle that fall outside the rectangle. How can I do that?
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Re: shape intersection

The screen shot below show what I think you are trying to accomplish or close to it.

The left side of the screen shows the before and the other is the after.  To achieve this, go to TOOLS>MODIFY>DIVIDE.  You are asked to, "Specify entity to cut."  Click on either the circle or the rectangle.  You are then asked to, "Specify a cutting point."  Click on an intersection of the circle and rectangle.  Do this for all intersections.  What this is doing is dividing the circle and rectangle into separate entities.  You then select and delete any portions you do not want.

Note: If you draw the rectangle using the RECTANGLE tool, you will have to EXPLODE it into separate entities.
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Re: shape intersection

Yes, this is exactly the maneuver I needed. I was close when I was fumbling around, but kept getting point is not on the entity. Eventually I saw the snap points at the bottom of the screen, and the intersection snap point was what got me the point I needed.
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Re: shape intersection

Great!  Be sure to pop back in if you have any more questions.
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Re: shape intersection

In reply to this post by Philip
Thanks for such a practical answer.