New User LibreCAD
iMac, 13,1 ICor I5 M.Lion 10.8.5
LC Version: master
SCM Revision: 2.0.0rc3
Compiler: GNU GCC 4.7.3
Qt Version: 4.8.5
Compiled on: Nov 13 2013
LC is behaving quite nicely here, so far.

I found the nice Intro Manual by Bob Woltz.
I Found a couple tutorials too and am learning fast.
Some are a bit hard to follow, so I am still looking for more.
Just a few quick questions …
1) what is the the tiny cross hairs with a circle around it?
It seems like it may be "the current placement cursor ?"
how can this be used ?
2) I have seen references to using hatches.
are these available anywhere, in LibreCAD?
or does the user create them on the fly ?
3) The command line accepts commands like "rec" & "cir", what other commands does it accept and can I write combinations of them in one pass somehow ?
Thanks for any interest..
So glad to find this CAD program.