Re: DXF File Import Issues

Posted by dellus on

I'm also not a coder, just a user. In the beginning of my playing with LibreCAD I also complained things should be this way or that way. But I had to learn too you have to take it as it is and find workarounds. There is not the one developer who designed it from scratch or feels it is his baby. It is a fork of a community edition of QCAD. Developers have went on and off board since then.

The block and layer issues: it seems that if you make a block (maybe from elements on several layers) and put this on a different layer it still carries the original layers with it, the new layer just being something like a "carrier layer". This could explain the awkward behavior. The only advice I could think of is to avoid complex block constructions, like using blocks as a layer substitute, as you did. Maybe it helps to "Explode" such a block after insertion.
I don't have AutoCAD experience, so I'm not familiar with blocks use. I have been working with Nemetschek Allplan, which has a completely different structure.