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Re: Font Troubles

Posted by craig6548713 on Feb 13, 2023; 11:09pm
URL: https://forum.librecad.org/Font-Troubles-tp5722467p5722494.html

Ah slipped right past me, thank you I got the font to work in LibreCAD now. Although I do have another question if you don't mind.
I'm trying to plasma cut with Libre and the nesting software I use doesn't like the font not having movable points and so it takes the font I put in and spits it out as basic lines and it loses all the clarity of the font. Is it possible to make the font basically a vector that can be transformed?

Here is what it looks like in Libre "non-vectorized" Screenshot_20230213_040346.png

Here is what it looks like in Pro-nest Screenshot_20230213_040810.png