Re: Stock Yard Panel Layout
Posted by
flywire on
Jul 30, 2023; 5:18am
Thank you @dxli, that is pretty well the process I used. There are a few things I'd like to follow up.
I'll describe using to Extract PDF image
Weean-cattle-yards-2.png as a background image imported to -3.5,-3 (Metres) Scale 0.0305882 and order set to back. (The image is a little hard to read so I used one saved in B&W with a white background although grey on white would have been better.)
This layout is fairly simple as it is based on a semi-circle on the bottom with a quarter circle at the top joined with straight lines. Those panel sizes aren't available so I reworked it to 2.1m panels with 2.3m and 0.8m gates. Steel has minimal tolerances but in some places the fence alignment can be moved without affecting functionality, but other places such as the two long panels in the octagon in the center or outside of the race require manufacturing.
PanelLayoutCadV2.dxfSome queries:
1. When the background image is turned on it is displayed and selected so clicking the window hides the other layers. Can the layers be worked on with the image visible in the background?
2. Fixed Side length polygons seem to require manual calculation with a tool like to determine the Circumcircle radius/number of Sides before creating the polygon then rotating it or the angle for the first polygon side before rotating multiple copies. Is there an easier way?
3. The rotate tool seems to require a known angle for rotation. Can rotate be used with snap? I'd like to snap the race between the posts at each end. Image below shows the gap at the bottom above the posts.
4. Horizontal and Vertical panel lines are easily created. Is there an easy way to create angled panel lines like that shown on the top right-hand area between the outside fence and the race?
5. Can a point layer be created from all selected nodes instead of selecting and creating one at a time?
6. How does the divide tool work?