undo hatching

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undo hatching

dirt journey
Hi.  I'm a new user, and I wanted to experiment with hatching to fill a rectangular entity.  I was able to get hatches in, but I don't know how to select no hatching/empty to go back to an unhatched entity.  Clearly I don't understand this function. help /:  
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Re: undo hatching

Immediately after hatching you can make an Undo (in the Edit tab or direct Undo button) and it is gone.

Or later, just click on the hatching to select it and delete it with the Delete button on the keyboard.

With a rectangle as the shape, if you do this the rectangle might be be deleted too, a bug.
After creating a hatch in a rectangle, the rectangle stays selected in a way, visible by the small blue squares at it's corners, even when the operation is finished. Do an Esc once (V2.2.0rc) or twice (V2.1.3) or click on the rectangle again to deselect it. Then you can delete the hatching only.
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Re: undo hatching

I found to delete/undo "hatch" by clicking on the pattern does not select the hatch for deletion. By dragging the mouse on the pattern from right upwards to left, it gets selected. Dragging the mouse from top to down right, does not select hatch.
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Re: undo hatching

I can't confirm selecting a hatch by clicking on the pattern doesn't work. It works for me. Maybe if you use a development version there could be a bug.
Dragging the mouse from top to down right only selects entities completely within that area, dragging from right upwards to left selects all entities touched.