"Assertion failed!"

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"Assertion failed!"


"Expression: m_data->size>RS_TOLERANCE"

Please share your expertise on how to overcome this problem.
Loads of thanks!
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Re: "Assertion failed!"

What were you doing before the error occurred?

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Re: "Assertion failed!"

I had exactly the same thing happen today trying to open the programme! (not in an open drawing like flywire)

I then tried to open the .dxf~ file (renaming it and removing the '~') but the same thing happened.

I'm not a techy so would be really grateful if someone could help with this.

And I really don't know what I was specifically doing before this happened except to say I just closeed down an open drawing and exited the programme in the normal way, which seemed fine at the time.

Many thanks
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Re: "Assertion failed!"

OK.... false alarm! Must have unwittingly corrupted the programme somehow.

I uninstalled LibreCAD and reinstalled using my original installer file and the drawing opens alright now.

Phew! That was close! Hope that works for you too flywire.

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Re: "Assertion failed!"

That particular assertion has been removed from both development, i.e. 2.2.2-alpha, and the 2.2.1 branch (should be in

Hatching may fail, but it should not crash the whole app.

LibreMan wrote
OK.... false alarm! Must have unwittingly corrupted the programme somehow.

I uninstalled LibreCAD and reinstalled using my original installer file and the drawing opens alright now.

Phew! That was close! Hope that works for you too flywire.