Blank PDF, again

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Blank PDF, again

Erik Squires
Hi Everyone,

Sorry I'm stuck.  I've been using PC based CAD software since the availability of the 8088 and I've never had the printing and export problems I have with LibreCAD.  Love how easy it is to draw overall but printing and PDFs are driving me nuts.  

I've had a number of issues printing.  I am on Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS.  The version from the official repo would reset the drawaing after print preview so I have switched to the latest from Github.  

That fixed the drawing reset issue, but seriously, why is it so hard to export a simple drawing to PDF?  A "fixit" button would be great.

Anyway, I'd really appreciate help with this example.  How do I get this drawing to PDF?

Also, separately the landscape/portrait setting seems backwards for my Epson 15000.  

Just knowing what to do to send PDF's of my simple little drawings would be really helpful.

Thank you.
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Re: Blank PDF, again

Hi Erik,

There are several ways to export to PDF, and they don't usually work the same.

1, file > export ;
2, file > print, and choose printing to PDF;
3, command line:
librecad dxf2pdf foo.dxf

Could you test them all?

I will have a look at your dxf file, if nothing works for you.

Erik Squires wrote
Hi Everyone,

Sorry I'm stuck.  I've been using PC based CAD software since the availability of the 8088 and I've never had the printing and export problems I have with LibreCAD.  Love how easy it is to draw overall but printing and PDFs are driving me nuts.  

I've had a number of issues printing.  I am on Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS.  The version from the official repo would reset the drawaing after print preview so I have switched to the latest from Github.  

That fixed the drawing reset issue, but seriously, why is it so hard to export a simple drawing to PDF?  A "fixit" button would be great.

Anyway, I'd really appreciate help with this example.  How do I get this drawing to PDF?

Also, separately the landscape/portrait setting seems backwards for my Epson 15000.  

Just knowing what to do to send PDF's of my simple little drawings would be really helpful.

Thank you.
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Re: Blank PDF, again

In reply to this post by Erik Squires
What is the problem you have with printing or exporting to pdf?
Your file works without problems for me for pdf, haven't tried printing.

All your linewidths are 0.00mm.  Some printers and pdf viewers interpret this as really 0, not visible.
Try with changing linewidths to 0.25mm.
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Re: Blank PDF, again

Erik Squires
In reply to this post by dxli
I have the Ubuntu release version:

Version: 2.2.0-undef
Compiler: GNU GCC 13.2.0
Compiled on: Apr  8 2024
Qt Version: 5.15.13
Boost Version: 1.83.0
System: Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS

And also using:
Compiler: GNU GCC 13.3.0
Compiled on: Feb 25 2025
Qt Version: 6.5.3
Boost Version: 1.83.0
System: Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS

Release results:

The reason I went through the trouble of installing and compiling LibreCAD was because this didn't work before.  Now it seems to.  However the Alpha version does not.

1. Success
2. Success
3. Success

1.  Initial attempt to Export to PDF gets me to Print Preview screen.  No option to select file name or save it.  Change export to drawing, save.  Attempt second time, things proceed normally.  File save dialogue appears.  PDF is blank.  

2.  Blank
3. Blank

Sorry for the trouble.  I'm not sure what happened, but installing the tools for building the Alpha seem to have fixed the release and left me with a broken Alpha.  :D  

Really sorry.

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Re: Blank PDF, again

Hi Erik,

I also suggest you to modify the line width from 0.00mm (which means 1 pixel) to an ISO value, like 0.25mm.