¿Corrupted file?

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¿Corrupted file?

I was working without problems on this simple drawing when issues arose: I can't select anything with the cursor, the only way to do it is using a crossing window from right to left or from left to right. When I try to select anything by touching it with the cursor, it is not selected, and the leader under the word "barrote" gets dotted (by the way, it is the only thing I can select directly with the cursor). Sometimes, but not always, when I draw a window from right to left, a "leader" appears (it is the mirror of the previously mentioned leader). I am using Librecad 2.2.1 on Mac IOSplacard.dxf High Sierra. Could you help? Thank you
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Re: ¿Corrupted file?

It seems the layer cotas is the culprit. If you switch it off everything on the other layers can be selected.
So best to redraw the dimensions etc on a new layer and then delete the old one.
I have also modified the scaling of the drawing - you normally draw in 1:1, then scale down in the print process only.
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Re: ¿Corrupted file?

In reply to this post by JG
hm... that's strange, in  2.2.2 branch under Windows - the file is opened and all entities are selectable as expected.

Could you please try to check this on newer branch and let us know whether the problem is still present there?

The AppImage is located there:

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Re: ¿Corrupted file?

In reply to this post by dellus
Thanks for your help, I did what you suggested, and the problem was solved. When working with leaders, the program crashed. I stopped doing it, and I didn't have any more issues.