Dimensions not correct

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Dimensions not correct

As a newbie, I drew a schematic to remodel a small office building.   I have set the dimension to "foot" in both preferences.  Also set to Archecture 0-1/2" in the current drawing preference.

I drew the schematic so the distance between 2 ticks equals one foot of wall.   When I used the dimension tool, it said the wall was 24'2".   The wall is 29 ticks so it should read 29'.   What am I doing wrong?    How do I set the dimension so the distance between two ticks 1 ft?

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Dimensions not correct

Hello and welcome!

Check from Options/Applcation Preferences and Current Drawing Preferences, that the unit is right, in your case foot.

Instead of Suggestions and Feedback, which is more to development issues, better section would have been for example Troubleshooting.
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Re: Dimensions not correct

In reply to this post by wenmoose
What do mean with tick? The points from the grid?
I'm not an expert in feet and inches, as I'm European. But as far as I know the standard for architectural is inches. And in LibreCAD settings you can't combine feet with architectural.

I have made some sample drawings a while ago. For proper set up you also have to consider the intended print scale.

You can use them directly or study the settings and adapt them to your own needs.
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Re: Dimensions not correct

In reply to this post by wenmoose
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Incorrect dimensions

I slowly learning to use LC to draw a simple office building remodel.  Design is done and looks very good, but I can't get the proper dimensions.    I drew the plan so the distance between two tick marks is 1'.  I am unable to get the proper length dimensions.   I've learned how to do the dimension lines and formated the text, arrow head size, offset etc.  Now if I could just get the proper dimensions to show.  I have set "architectural" length format.  General scale 1.   Now when I dimension a 30.5' wall,  LC spits out a length of 2544' 0".     How did LC come up with 2544' when I meant it to be 30.5?    It must be a scale issue that I'm not able to configure properly.   Any help is certainly big-time appreciated.  Randy
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Re: Incorrect dimensions

Have you not found and read the thread of your former query? https://forum.librecad.org/Dimensions-not-correct-tp5726100.html
What do you mean with tick marks? The grid? Out of the box the grid changes automatically with zoom level. If you want it to be fixed you have to set it accordingly in Drawing Preferences.

You can leave General Scale at 1 if you edit the sizes of text, arrow head, offset manually. You could leave these as out of the box if you set general Scale according to the intended print scale, for example for 1:48 it would be 48.

Lenght factor normally has to be 1, except for special purposes.

You can provide your drawing here for inspection, I might then be able to help fixing the settings:

I recommend to have a look into the manual to learn about basic setup of a drawing.