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Found 472 matching posts for inch in LibreCAD Showing posts 1 to 12.
Includes rulers in the template, brief documentation, and a proof PDF. Was able to get sample objects printing 1:1 so that they measured perfectly, using an HP LaserJet 1012. inches-template-landscape-output.pdf inches-template-landscape.dxf
in CAD templates, blocks etc.... by atxahzen — 0 replies in thread
I set the drawing preferences to Architectural, inches. i draw a line 101 units long. i dimension the line and it says the line is 3-31/32" inches long, which is 101 mm. I need it to be 101 inches long when i specify 101 units. Help! v2.1.3
in LibreCAD-user by rlofgren — 2 replies in thread
Is there a way to get UM indicators (feet and inches specifically) added to my dimensions? I don't see a way other than manually editing each one. I'm using 1.0.2 (Ubuntu 12.10) if that matters. Thanks for any help- and thank you even making this question possible. Dave
in LibreCAD-user by DEValken — 3 replies in thread
I cannot reproduce this. I have added a sample drawing. It says 8'-5'' for 101 inches. That's supposed for architectural. If you set the linear units to decimal in the dimensions settings you get 101. If you compare the settings in the sample drawing with your settings you might find out what's wrong. arch_inch_1_96_101inches.dxf
in LibreCAD-user by dellus — 2 replies in thread
I drew my house plans in inches and decimal points, but I would like the display to be in feet and inches. Strangely enough dimensions in the command box show in feet and inches.
in Tutorials / Manual topics by bkvanbek — 0 replies in thread
I want to produce drawing that are 1/4" = 1.0'-0". I think this means a 1:48 ratio. In libreCAD, it skips 1:48 and goes from 1:32 to 1:64. How do I set the scale to 1:48 so that I can produce an Architectural drawing? Thanks in advance Jesse
in Troubleshooting by JDelgado0311 — 11 replies in thread
awesome, thx. your drawing works fine, i cant figure out what difference there is in the settings, but i will use your drawing as a seed for my future drawings.
in LibreCAD-user by rlofgren — 2 replies in thread
Is there a way to get UM indicators (feet and inches specifically) added to my dimensions? I don't see a way other than manually editing each one. What is UM? Anyway, if you want to see dimension text as 2'-3" you need to set "main drawing units" as "inch" and "Length format" as "Architectural" from Edit -> Current Drawing preferences. -- H.S.Rai
in LibreCAD-user by hsrai — 3 replies in thread
what's the issue? looks like that in your Lot_plan.dxf, there's a confusion between units feet and inches. As your drawing is in inches, but the drawing options specifies "feet". If you want a fixed scale of 1:32, 1:384 should be used. scale.pdf Unfortunately, The changes don't...
in Troubleshooting by dxli — 11 replies in thread
UM- Unit of Measure. Sorry if my terminology is incorrect. We do a lot of small drawings where the largest item is only 4". When I used the fractional format, it doesn't input the mark ", and I hate seeing the 0'-4", 0'- 3/8", etc. Right now I edit these manually, or make a blanket statement about "All dimensions in inches" kind of thing. Thanks for the responses... Dave
in LibreCAD-user by DEValken — 3 replies in thread
So, I thought I had this figured out. I set my paper size to ARCH D (24 x 36 inch) and my scale to 1:48. I then made a drawing (using feet as units). When I go to print the paper is supper tiny relative to my drawing. It only fits if I set the scale at ~1:500. Any ideas? I've uploaded my file Site_Plan_-_need_to_scale.dxf
in Troubleshooting by JDelgado0311 — 11 replies in thread
Hello all, I'm new to LibreCAD (and pretty excited), but ran into an issue immediately. I set up the default to be inches, then drew a 2" radius circle. when I try to dimension this part, I see no text. If I set my unit to mm and redraw the part (50mm radius), then dimension it shows up fine. I'm guessing this is a default text size issue? Is there a way to fix this? Thanks
in Troubleshooting by matt — 6 replies in thread
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