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Dumb newbie question how do you view the dimensions of objects

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Dumb newbie question how do you view the dimensions of objects

6 posts

I have been sent this dxf file, but to make use of it I need to be able to see the dimensions of each object. I tried to use the distance between points, but struggling to see an answer, but is there a direct way to just view all the dimensions?


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Re: Dumb newbie question how do you view the dimensions of objects

1708 posts
If no dimensions have been added in the drawing you have to make them yourself with the dimension tools at the desired positions. There is no way to automatically show all object dimensions.
When you do that, the dimension text will appear very small. That's because the units are set to mm and dimensions text size is set as 2.5 mm. If the intended print (or cut out?) scale is 1:1, this is OK.