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Font Troubles

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Font Troubles

4 posts
Hey guys I've had some troubles with getting fonts to work in Libre and I am completely stumped.

I have this Cannonball design for my shop and I wanted to be able to cut out the words "Cannonball Welding" in our font. So I downloaded the font in an OpenType font file and converted it to TTF file. From here I used the TTF2LLF converter and successfully converted my file to llf.


You can see here that I named the file LibreCADunispace.llf which I later found out that you can't have capitol letters in the font file name so I renamed it as unispace.llf which also didn't work. Both times the font file would not show up under the list of fonts.

I ditched all of that and tried an image to dxf file converter and wrote out the text in word and converted it. It lost all of its clarity.

As a last attempt I tried adobe illustrator. I typed it in adobe illustrator and used their "export as dxf file" option and just typed it there. This finally got my font onto librecad but I was unable to manipulate it and ended up being not apart of the dxf file.

Hopefully this all makes sense and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions I am all ears.
(if it wasn't already apparent I am a very new cad user)

Here is the file I got closest with: ###LibreCannonballv2.dxf

Here is my llf file: unispace.llf 
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Re: Font Troubles

4 posts
Also, in all this mess I've been having trouble getting Adobe Illustrator DXF files to work with Libre and if you guys got any advice as far as that goes that would be appreciated.
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Re: Font Troubles

1716 posts
In reply to this post by craig6548713
The filetype name for LibreCAD fonts is lff, not llf. Correct this and your unispace font will work, I have tested it.
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Re: Font Troubles

4 posts
Ah slipped right past me, thank you I got the font to work in LibreCAD now. Although I do have another question if you don't mind.
I'm trying to plasma cut with Libre and the nesting software I use doesn't like the font not having movable points and so it takes the font I put in and spits it out as basic lines and it loses all the clarity of the font. Is it possible to make the font basically a vector that can be transformed?

Here is what it looks like in Libre "non-vectorized" Screenshot_20230213_040346.png

Here is what it looks like in Pro-nest Screenshot_20230213_040810.png

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Re: Font Troubles

4 posts
I just figured it out and I'll share for anyone that might need it. You can make paths vectors by going to tools-modify-explode.