Fonts in Text and measurements

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Fonts in Text and measurements

 I need to draw some very simple stuff but it has to look pretty.
The fonts for the text look horrible! How can I upload more fonts? Also, the fonts of the measurements should be the same as the text, how do I manage to do that?
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Re: Fonts in Text and measurements

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LibreCAD can't use ttf fonts and is limited to sticky or outline fonts, so no filled letters possible. You have to live with what is offered.
The font for dimensions is set at Options - Current Drawing Preferences - Dimensions - Text Style.
The dimensions settings apply to all dimensions in a drawing, can't be set individually.

Edit: you have to live with what is offered - not quite true. There is a tool to make your own outline font from a ttf - ttf2lff:
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Re: Fonts in Text and measurements

I am wondering whether it's possible to start with outline, then, explode and solid fill