How to trim between two lines.

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How to trim between two lines.

Here is an easy example:

I have a circle with a vertical line and a horizontal line cutting through it.

I want to trim a section of the circle between the vertical and horizontal line. So that a quarter of the circle is gone.

In AutoCAD this was real easy. In Librecad I have not found a way to do it.


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Re: How to trim between two lines.

I found the answer on the developer forum. The Trim command in Librecad does not work the way it should especially on circles and arcs. Having to use the divide command is totally illogical. This needs to be fixed.
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Re: How to trim between two lines.

Jim Thompson
Have you got a link to the post explaining the details?
Or can you explain here please? (if it's simple).
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Re: How to trim between two lines.

In reply to this post by stealth
stealth wrote
I found the answer on the developer forum. The Trim command in Librecad does not work the way it should especially on circles and arcs. Having to use the divide command is totally illogical. This needs to be fixed.
I agree with you, it is totally ridiculous to have to first divide the line at two points and then delete or trim out the part you need!

QCAD has this basic feature already so I think LibreCAD should also have it.
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Re: How to trim between two lines.

In reply to this post by Jim Thompson
Jim, if we use this example to explain things:

You can see in the picture that I want to break out the bottom left hand arc of the circle.

First you need to select the circle in question and then using the 'Divide' tool from the Modify toolset - divide (or split up) the circle at two points, this will split the circle into 2 entities instead of just one (the circle) - now I can trim or indeed delete the arc I don't need.

Hope this helps to explain things to you.

But really we need a 'Break out' tool as in other programs as stealth as already said, then simply we can just use this tool directly on entities.
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Re: How to trim between two lines.

In reply to this post by stealth
I found this method for cut line between two parallels:

1. select between parallels
2. copy and set point reference just where you click to select previously
3. paste and set point reference just where you click to select at first

Up to here you must have  two lines overlapped, then

4. use trim2 and select parallel of above and perpendicular of above
5. use trim 2 and select parallel of below and perpendicular of below

The result must be the desired.

Actually were more steps, but these are most easily than using cut.
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Re: How to trim between two lines.

was this issue every addressed?
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Re: How to trim between two lines.

In LibreCAD Version: you still need to use 'divide' before trimming between two lines. See under heading "Step 6: Trimming".

Very ridiculous that it hasn't been fixed yet in Version:
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Re: How to trim between two lines.

Well, the latest development versions include the tool you're looking for - Break\Divide.
Here is YouTube demo -

The tool allows to trim the object segment between intersection points.

You can download alpha from here: