I think my entire drawing is VERY small. Can't find a 'Scale' function?

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I think my entire drawing is VERY small. Can't find a 'Scale' function?

I started with an existing .DXF file, needing to "simply" change some measurements on there and add a "not to scale" tag.

I left the Text and MText Height at 1. Typed my text, clicked, and it dwarfs the drawing by multitudes.

I also set the linewidth default from 0.00 to 0.13, and now when I click out of Draft mode, my drawing is just giant globs of white.

So figuring my drawing might be unusually small, I did both the Export to PDF and Print to PDF. In both cases the PDF file appears blank.

I read in another thread here about a 'Scale' function, but I am overlooking it, and not sure if it would even help here.

The coordinates grid in the lower left show one corner of the drawing starting at 0.29 (upper left of drawing) and ending at 1.25 (upper right of drawing). I'm now guessing this is in inches?

If my assumption is correct, how can I "blow up" my drawing?

Pictures below for fun:

Relatively large text

Draft off - linewidth set at 0.13 - text height at 1

Thanks everyone
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Re: I think my entire drawing is VERY small. Can't find a 'Scale' function?

It looks like your part is rather small. Line widths then appear very thick in comparison.
It's a matter of print scaling and other settings. Is the drawing made in inches, mm or what? What should be the print scale?
Best if you provide the drawing file here with 'More v' - 'Upload a file'.
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Re: I think my entire drawing is VERY small. Can't find a 'Scale' function?

Thank you. I've attached a version of the file a few saves before the one I butchered.

The part is a "simple" hex standoff. The units that were used in this drawing are in Inches, and I needed to update them to being in Metric, with a text box someplace that would say "not to scale", along with the usual criteria for the manufacturer.

Here's the measurements and notes I wanted to add. If there's an easy way to increase the size of my drawing so I can properly insert the text, I would appreciate any direction. Thank you.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't answer your question on the Print Scale. Given the size of the part is only 17mm long, I figured an appropriate print scale would be 1:10, though I am open to suggestions. Given the simplicity of the part having it print out and fit nicely on a standard sheet of 8.5x11 paper should be sufficient.

External shape: Hexagon
ID M8x1.25
OD 13mm
Length 17mm

1. Material: Stainless Steel
2. ASME Y14.5M – 2009
3. All Dimensions are in Millimeters
4. Remove burrs and sharp edges

LENGTH: ± 0.005
DIAMETER: ±0.005
INTERNAL THREAD: Fully threaded