
This Sub-Forum is for GUI and Documentation Translator issues.

We use the Weblate platform for translations. They genrously provide us with a free hosted instance.
All informations are collected on our wiki page:

You have reached a milestone in translation progress and want your changes being pushed to the GitHub repository?
Post your request here or reply to an existing post belonging the language you're working on.

You have other questions about translating GUI or any other LibreCAD document or content?
You're welcome to ask, discuss or make suggestions about translating LibreCAD here.
Topics (73)
Replies Last Post Views
forave European portuguese translation by forave
Vicent Fornés by Vicent Fornés
Mogyula Hungarian translation by Mogyula
R. van Twisk by R. van Twisk
javiersegurar Would like to help in LibreCAD. by javiersegurar
Rallaz by Rallaz