Memory usage in a LibraCad drawing

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Memory usage in a LibraCad drawing

If a LibreCad document drawing uses lots of layers are they stored in the graphics card memory or the computer memory? Does LibreCad use much of the graphics card memory or swap in and out with the main computer memory?

I am having to change my card and have a limited choice which come down to a choice of a 2GB or 4GB card. The latter is much more expensive but apart from more memory has features that I do not need. Logic says buy the 4GB card for the memory but why waste money on features I do not need.
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Re: Memory usage in a LibraCad drawing

R. van Twisk

On May 11, 2014, at 1:31 AM, BigAl [via LibreCAD] <[hidden email]> wrote:

If a LibreCad document drawing uses lots of layers are they stored in the graphics card memory or the computer memory?

They are stored in memory accessible for the CPU, eg, not in the graphics card

Does LibreCad use much of the graphics card memory or swap in and out with the main computer memory?

During render time Qt can decide to render through GPU or through CPU, but in all times all data is stored in memory
and the display is used for representation only.

I am having to change my card and have a limited choice which come down to a choice of a 2GB or 4GB card. The latter is much more expensive but apart from more memory has features that I do not need. Logic says buy the 4GB card for the memory but why waste money on features I do not need.

If you just need to buy it for LibreCAD 2GB will be plenty enough, 1GB would also do.
Assuming you are into CAD and related graphics programs may be 3D CAD?, have more memory is always better.

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Re: Memory usage in a LibraCad drawing

Many thanks for the clarification. It is very helpful.

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Re: Memory usage in a LibraCad drawing

In reply to this post by BigAl
2D usage of GPU does not require large video memory or fast GPU at all. I found no graphic performance issue playing LC on intel integrated cards with 256MB or 512MB shared video memory.

As for system memory, current Text implementation in LC consumes lots of memory and CPU. Try to get a system with fast CPU and large system memory(RAM). LC does run well on low end systems, as far as text/image usage is light.

actually, I keep switch
BigAl wrote
If a LibreCad document drawing uses lots of layers are they stored in the graphics card memory or the computer memory? Does LibreCad use much of the graphics card memory or swap in and out with the main computer memory?

I am having to change my card and have a limited choice which come down to a choice of a 2GB or 4GB card. The latter is much more expensive but apart from more memory has features that I do not need. Logic says buy the 4GB card for the memory but why waste money on features I do not need.
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Re: Memory usage in a LibraCad drawing

LibreCAD Qt Version: 4.8.1

runs fine at

Intel® Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz × 2 with 1,5GM memory.