Moving a lot of points

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Moving a lot of points

Hello everyone,

I am a recent French user of LibreCad, I previously used TsCad2 (Tommy Software Cad 2), an old software which worked perfectly under 32-bit Windows, but which no longer works on recent 64-bit machines.
One of the possibilities of this old software was to select points by zone or by group, then to move them collectively, it was then extremely practical and fast to modify a drawing.
In LibreCad, I have to select objects and modify the position of the points one by one, which is relatively laborious and slower.
I can't find this function in LibreCad.
Is it possible to find the equivalent in LibreCad?
Thank you for your advice,
Kind regards,

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Re: Moving a lot of points

Once in selecting mode(hit ESC to close any previous active tool)
Dragging a rectangle to the right (blue indicator) selects anything completely inside the rectangle.
Dragging left, (green indicator)selects anything completely inside plus anything touching the rectangle.
Selections are cumulative, one can select a point by clickin on it, later a rectangle selection on another part of the drawing.
Unselect by ESC
If the points are in a separate layer, then they can be all easy select by showing only that layer and hitting CTRL A

Once the desired points are selected , go to Tools -> Modify -> Move/Copy,
then select the starting point of the deplacement, then the target point.
A dialog will appear allowing between
Delete original(Move)
Keep original(Copy)
Multiple copies
It also has the options "Use the current attributes" and "Use the current layer" that allows to change the layer or attributes of the selected entities in the same operation.

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Re: Moving a lot of points

In reply to this post by AlexBou
Hello and welcome!

You can select any entity/enties, then move them as a group.

Perhaps easest is to swipe cursor over the entiities you want to select, then from the left verticl menu choose + and Move, refernce point is asked, then where to move. At the end opens a dialog box, where you can select delete or not the original, or if you want to multiple copies.
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Re: Moving a lot of points

In reply to this post by AlexBou
Try to use the version from 2.2.2 branch  -

There is an action that allows to select just points (and also, there is possible to select just specific entities by entity' type).  

Plus there are lot's of other features that are not present in earlier versions...
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Re: Moving a lot of points

This post was updated on .
Thank's a lot, i will try !
To PerePujal : Thank's a lot. But with your method, i can move objects, not points, No ?

I have 6 rectangles 123456, and i want to select only the 6 points (or more) abcdef.
Then, I want to move the abcdef points simultaneously,

How to do it?
Thanks a lot,

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Re: Moving a lot of points

I'm a bit confused, actually.

Just to confirm - you'd like to move "Point" entity? Or just point, say, as "endpoint" of line?

For points, as I've mentioned - take a look to 2.2.2.

There you could select points and later move them by mouse or "move" command - right as other objects.  

You can select points using one of these methods (and by manually selecting each of them, of course):

1) Selecting points via specific action

2) Selecting entities with type Point via "Select Window" command.