Multiple Crashes

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Multiple Crashes

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I've experienced seven crashes in the past thirty minutes.  Why so many ?  Because I was attempting to isolate the conditions that caused the crash and it seems to be directly related to horizontal dimensioning.  Vertical dimensions seem fairly robust.  I tried to submit a bug report but as in a previous user's complaint, I cannot "log on" to the bug report site.  Would it be helpful to send the file along with a complaint (which I can enter into the drawing in the form of text) ?  If so, where should I send it ?

Please ignore the following two paragraphs in brackets - my brain clutch was slipping.

[Also there is another small problem - a minor irritant really.  When LibreCAD opens, it defaults with some windows displayed and others defaulted "off".  I prefer the maximum amount of drawing space and always reconfigure the windows to achieve that preference but displaying the command line and layer controls (reduced in size).

I can't locate a feature that allows me to save this configuration and return to it when staring LibreCAD - does one exist ?]

I'm still amazed at the power of this application and immensely grateful to the developers !!!  It's remarkably intuitive and easily learned within an hour :)

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Re: Multiple Crashes

About paragraphs in brackets: If you do not want I do not comment :-D

The important:
To "log on" in sourceforge you need an account at although there are other options:
google acount, yahoo, aol, openId, verisign, wordpress, flickr etc. see in rigth at

To fix the error is important what is your system, and that LC version you use
and the steps reproduce the bug.

You can attach a file in bug report at or in a message like this
simply click in "More" then "upload a file"
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Re: Multiple Crashes

Cheers, Rallaz -

I've accidentally over-written the file and without it, a description would confuse Einstein !  If this happens again, I'll be SURE to save the file immediately and document the actions just prior to the crash.  (No point in giving you system details until then I can provide a file.)

Thanks for the prompt response, I'm not even remotely disappointed in LibreCAD :)  This is the coolest thing I've seen in a l-o-n-g time !
