Hello, newbie here!
I'm a french so sorry for my english.
I have a problem with a .DXF converted from a .DWG (with SwiDoo PDF)
It doesn't display anything, but it seems like there are dots existing in the project :

I tried to select everything in the file, change colors, line types and make them thicker.
If I load the .DXF in TrueView, lines are displayed :

I noticed a message in Trueview when I load the .DWG :

For those who don't speak French, it says something like : "This DWG has been saved in a non-Autodesk app. Autodesk can't guarantee the compatibility or integrity of the file."
I have three laptops with different versions and OS (2.1.3 on macOS High Sierra / Ubuntu and 2.2.0 on Windows 11) and the problem remain the same.
I'm pretty sure the problem come from my file or preferences. But maybe the problems come from the original .DWG ?
Thank you so much,