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The above New Topic is my goal. Got a new build tonight of LibreCad 2.2 Alpha off your GitHub repository. Would like to get a plugin to you and for you of a Coordinate Geometry Program I'm coding in Lua 5.1 as a plugin in C for the above build.
My most immediate need is to Finalize the C Plugin for the above build. Information on Plugins for LibreCad 2 is appreciated Thank You in advance Joseph OC |
Your post is a bit cloudy.
The title is about LibreCAD 3, but then you're referencing to LibreCAD 2.2. Alpha. But LibreCAD 2.2 is in release candidate status for quite some time now. Also LibreCAD 3 already has LUA support, but LibreCAD 2 will never have. Concerning the install part of your topic, we're currently working in Google Summer of Code program for LibreCAD 3 continuous builds, resulting in Windows and Linux binary packages. So if you are asking for help or advice, you should clarify your concern. Armin
investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
Thank You so much for the quick reply.... I understand your reply also.
At present I am most concerned about Plugin for LibreCad 2.2. The Alpha Release was obtained from the Linux executable created from my source code download I preformed on your GitHub repository last night. Went to the About Menu on that executable. It referenced 2.2 Alpha. That what I posted. Now I want to be all about Version 2.2 latest Release Candidate. As I said I got my source code from GitHub LibreCad2. My plugin will be the 5 Classic Functions User By Survey Engineers World Wide. Inverse, Traverse, Bearing - Bearing, Bearing - Distance, and Distance - Distance Intersections. All precise solutions. I of course will open source them to LibreCad. Though I intend to do consulting work at a cost regarding those functions as a service. I hope this will work for the whole group that might be involved. Please reply if you have any questions or can direct me to get more involved with LibreCad 2 and 3 efforts. Joseph OC |
I see, the Alpha label is a misleading default label, when git is not available for build.
So I assume you've downloaded the code by zip package and built LibreCAD yourself. Means, you have latest release candidate, just with wrong label. Concerning the rest, I think I can't follow, even when I translate the surveying functions to my mother tongue. So it's hard for me to evaluate your plans. I can't imagine what these functions should do and if this is possible with a plugin. Should the plugin be used on an existing drawing, to modify it or to add entities? Or should it create a new drawing from a bunch of coordinate data? A pitfall that comes to my mind for COGO functionality, is the loss of precision for big numbers, e.g. real world geo location coordinates. It is reported, that some functions like trimming, intersect or tangent functions fail for big coordinates and numbers, far from origin. Armin
investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
Thank You for your prompt response.
1). You currently have the Shapefile plugin for Esri Data. If the problems you cited are real, removing a constant from those values would resolve that..... I believe.... Then adding that constant back for reporting purposes.... However I have yet to read of it being a GIS issue... 2. Seeing that said Shapefile plugin works, I would be willing to chance that the Plugin approach will succeed for working with LibreCad 2, then Port it to LibreCad 3 via Lua. I'm using Lua 5.1. Which version will LibreCad 3? 3. Both existing drawings and new drawings would be the objective. 4. Modifying entities could be provided for if needed down the road. Initially I see creating new entities. That could help speed up development. As far as usefulness, I sure I would find them useful. As would others. Survey Engineering and otherwise. That is what I'm banking on. This far I have not been able to monetize my efforts. Lots of time to reach this point. Directions on how to precede on your effort through the Plugin technology would help me immediately. Best regards, and thank you for your time.... Joseph OC |
In reply to this post by joecoc1952
Replying to my oun post.
I can offer myself to help with C coding for plugin. Working on code in Lua Language right now. Interested in moving into C via a plugin
Joseph OC
Joseph, I changed the thread topic and deleted your GIS post to avoid duplicate posts, leading to split conversations.
Concerning the plugin, it is still not clear to me if you have the C skills to work on it. When the ESRI plugin has a similar functionality, it is best to start there. Copy the plugin folder, rename things and change code to the needs of different input and output. If you have concrete questions about the plugin interface or implementation strategy, I'm glad to help. But I'm afraid, that currently nobody else than you can start this journey. Lua does not help here for LibreCAD 2 plugin. Also, LibreCAD2 and 3 are totally different from their concept and implementation that a direct port of the plugin will not be possible. The LibreCAD 2 plugin will be useful for LibreCAD 3 anyway, but just in the sense that programmers without surveying skills can port it then. Armin
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Re-Post: Same post as in Jaycad's thread on Development
Armin and Jaycad: Read your comments to Jaycad and found it very informative. Interesting that V2.2 is nearing completion. So I have the following comments and questions: 1) I would Like to get latest and greatest source code for Librecad 3: a) I would chronicle my Build b) Forward the log files for the build c) The build would be on Ubuntu 20.04 where I Successfully built Version 2.2 that I've previously mentioned. 2) Will the current PLUGIN functionality be available with Librecad 3? 3) What would be an estimation for the Release of Librecad 3? 4) Do you have a copy of the protocol to submit Documentation? Thank you in advance for your time and attention, Joseph OC |
For reference:
So V2.2 nearing completion is relative. Beyond that software is never completed, it is more a retirement. But this will not happen hasty. There are a bunch of contributions in the queue which will be added after 2.2.0 release. So when you want a productive solution for your plugin asap, I still recommend to go with V2 now. 1) LibreCAD 3 source code is available at The build instructions at were just updated. But compared to V2 the build environment is totally different and has more dependencies. And imho it is more complicated to set up for inexperienced users. 2) Already mentioned above, V2 and V3 are totally different concepts and plugins will not be compatible. Anyhow, with a working V2 plugin an experienced programmer can migrate it into V3 without special surveying skills. 3) Even when we possibly do a first V3 release this year, it will be far from the possibilities of V2. Thus the recommendation above to go with V2 yet. 4) Easiest way to contribute documentation is on our wiki at For end user documentation we have the manual at which is hosted at and thus open for contributions through GitHub. For V2 development I recommend to use native Qt tools. For Ubuntu 20.04 it should be easy to get latest Qt5 by apt package manager. I think it will be Qt 5.12, but anything between 5.9 and 5.15 should be fine. Using Qt Creator as IDE is easy because it has everything to edit, build, run and debug LibreCAD inside. I'm sorry, when you are concerned about the term COGO, but it is regularly used here in the forum in conjunction with GIS. So it's basically to raise chances that this thread is found in forum search and global search engines by interested people. And to be honest, I have a rough imagination for what these terms stand, but I'm far from understanding the differences in this terms or special needs for CAD in these branches. Armin
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Been texting my associate, David, his background is Computer Science, and he expressed to me great interest in moving forward. I'm now working on Windows 11. David is with Windows 10. We are now planning to simply expand the LibreCAD sample Plugin to the Coordinate Geometry (COGO) functionality. I feel that is the best way to advance. David I believe would agree. David is up in Chicago, Illinois. Myself Palm Beach County, Florida, U.S. He will eventually be back to Florida. This will be a collaborative effort between myself and David. LibreCAD can assist if possible. Your observation regarding myself, I would agree. David and myself it will be doable. Thank You so much for your time and consideration. Joseph OC PS. We will be using Visual Studio as the IDE |
I've red Ubuntu somewhere above, thus my hints in this direction. When you work on Windows, I recommend to use the Qt 5.12 link in the Jaycad thread. This is the last complete offline installer of Qt, before they changed their policy. You must anyhow register for the download I think, but it's still free of charge. I'm in Germany, so we have a little time gap, but being patient is one of the basics in open source communication. It worked the last days, so it will in future too. Armin
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I'm 1/4 German, 3/4 Irish. Lots of pain on the Irish side. But a good group of people, like all people. Anyways, I have a request for you. Ask one of your developers if the Qt5 QJsonArray object will work with a LibreCAD 2.2 plugin. I believe it will. That QJson object became available with Qt5.10. LibreCAD is 5.12 I believe. You mentioned the release number in your last post. I'm getting ready to create a Qt account soon. Your information in that regard was appreciated. A big reason for inquiring about the Json Format is that could provide a link to LibreCAD 3 and Lua and LibreCAD 2 Which version of Lua will LibreCAD 3 support? Json format is often used for Data exchange between programs. Similarly to Comma Separated Values (CSV). Been reading on Qt and it's a complete Framework tied into C++. Very complex and heavy. That environment would not be great with Coordinate Geometry (COGO). Lua is much more powerful for Geometry and Trig. So I'm beginning to see a good growth path. That is my thought anyway. Hope this helps us all. Joseph OC My Linux system failed to link properly with GitHub. Had to abandon Linux. Read forum post with Microsoft that there are issues with their code. |
Qt documentation says, that QJson... stuff was introduced with Qt 5.0. Our minimum required Qt version is 5.2, so it is safe to use this. I'm also fine with JSON, it has become standard in many branches for data exchange and API communication. I think LibreCAD 3 uses LUA 5.1 currently. Qt is mainly the GUI and the glue keeping things together. It's responsible for all visible in LibreCAD, handling in- and output and provides functionality for communication between frontend and backend. As it is built with C++ too, it integrates smoothly with LibreCAD functionality. Even when it looks heavy, it makes things a lot easier with rising experience. But for plugin development, you don't need much Qt framework or GUI knowledge, most is pure C++ and LibreCAD specific classes. Even when there are other JSON libraries, it is recommended to use QJson... stuff, because it will not add new dependencies. Concerning the power of LUA over C++, or using Windows/Linux, don't worry, it must be convenient and work for you. The truth is in the eye of the beholder I think. I started with SUSE Linux about 2 decades ago and kicked Windows for private use about a decade ago and haven't missed anything yet, except some specific Windows troubles maybe ![]() Armin
investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
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Thank You for the replies this week and the support. I am now back to using Ubuntu. LibreCAD 2 has issues on Ubuntu 20.04. Finally got connected to GitHub via Linux. I will only be working on LibreCAD 3 going forward. Especially Lua 5.2/5.3 Coordinate Geometry (COGO). This week was especially challenging. David will possibly be back in September. My conclusion at this point is to move on to LibreCAD 3. Trying to build the executable of v3 with David, with him in Chicago it's just not working out. He'll have to be local. Anyway effort on LibreCAD 2 would not provide a good return on the invested time. I will attempt a LibreCAD 3 build to obtain a feel for the new version as a users. In that regard I'll monitor the users forum. Along with that I will download the source code into Visual Studio to review for possible areas in the code where I might actually be able to make code contributions. An area I could contribute is with debugging. I can be very determined in the area if solving problems. I was an Professional Survey Engineer. You could assist me in by evaluating my progress in that respect. Beyond Debugging I feel I can contribute with documentation of the Coordinate Geometry (COGO) documentation. I hope this post will help us all move forward with mutual understanding. LibreCAD has been a source of hope to myself for quite some time. Thank You for your time and effort. Joseph OC Peace |
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