Print Preview is extreme small...

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Print Preview is extreme small...

I'm new to LibreCAD and currently learning how to use it.
I'm having trouble with the size of my project in the print preview. As you can see in the attached image, the project appears very small compared to the page. I have tried adjusting the scale (e.g., 1:20), but the issue remains.

I've also tried changing the settings in Drawing Preferences, but I'm unable to increase its size.

Thanks for your attention.

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Re: Print Preview is extreme small...

I can see the scale is 1:1109, so about 55 times smaller than the 1:20 intended.

Can you change the scale from the toolbar?

I guess you have some tiny entities far away, so auto scaling includes them. One way to confirm: select and move needed entities to new layers; hide all old layers; try again, to avoid those forgotten entities.