Thanks :-] It's nice to have my ideas and effort appreciated.
Your welcome.
ravas wrote
Another idea would be to write an independent script (using any language)
that walks the icon directory and changes the green value of each image.
It likely already exists... I'll research it more later.
This would be fantastic if it could be done, hope to hear from you about this.
My priorities are working on the toolbars, and some improvement of the in-program help system.
So don't hold your breath for now, or you will be the one changing color. ;D
wondering whether we can get "bright green" -> "dark green" by some stylesheets.
ravas wrote
My priorities are working on the toolbars, and some improvement of the in-program help system.
So don't hold your breath for now, or you will be the one changing color. ;D
Autohotkey is the best kind of black magic... ;-]
winmove is definitely one of the more useful commands. It can also change the size of windows.