Saved blocks not able to be inserted into a new drawing

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Saved blocks not able to be inserted into a new drawing

I'm new to libreCAD (LC), but not a total newb to drawing packages, having used MS Visio for a long time.

I'm running the latest LC version,, available on Ubuntu 24.10

I created a simple building plan, created some blocks which inserted without issue into the drawing. I saved the blocks in my home directory. LC knows where they are and they show up in the Library Browser.

However, I've created a new drawing and the blocks wont insert. When selected, I only get the vertical and horizontal cursors, without the rectangle showing the overall dimensions of the block.

This looks like a bug, although it's not beyond the realms of possibility that I'm overlooking something. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Re: Saved blocks not able to be inserted into a new drawing

I'd first discard a missmatching units/scale problem:
Start a new drawing and run the insert block process, if there is nothing in the screen, then do an autozoom
Chances are that View -> Autozoom shows the block and gives a hint about what happens.

Otherwise, then there is a bug, please see if it has already been reported it in github

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Re: Saved blocks not able to be inserted into a new drawing

perepujal wrote
I'd first discard a missmatching units/scale problem:
Many thanks for your reply.

That gave me a clue what might be happening. The blocks I saved were tiny. Scaling them up to the correct size solved the problem.

It's not a bug, just a rookie mistake by someone learning the package.