Tutorial LibreCAD - Beginner Level

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Tutorial LibreCAD - Beginner Level

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Download an install librecad. You can use libreCAD in linux, windows, and mac.

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Work With Layer - LibreCAD

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Work with layer - librecad

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Drawing Lines - LibreCAD

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How to drawing lines - librecad.

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Setting Dimensions - LibreCAD

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Setting dimension - librecad

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Drawing Rectangles

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Drawing rectangles on libreCAD

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Draw Circles - libreCAD Tutorial

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1. Center point at first click - based on radius value.
2. Using two points - based on diameter value.

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Re: Draw Circles - libreCAD Tutorial

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Write text on librecad - Tutorial

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To Hatch or Fill an Object or an Area - LibreCAD

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Ho to hatch a half of a circle - LIBRECAD Tutorial

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In this video you will show how to hatch a half of a circle

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Snap to end point, snap middle, and snap center

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Use snap to control precision of your drawing object.

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How To Move/Copy an Object - Librecad Tutorial

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Move/Copy an object in Librecad.

1. Block the object
2. Select Move/Copy tool on the left sidebar
3. Click on the reference point
4. Specify the target and enter
5. Move the object choose "delete original" or
6. Copy the object choose "keep original

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How to rotate an object - Librecad Tutorial

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How to rotate an object :

1. Select the object.
2. Click rotate tool.
3. Click at the first reference point
4. Click at second reference point
5. Click at the specify point where you want to place the object
6. Choose "Delete Original" to rotate without copy the original object
7. Corret the angel you want to rotate the object
8. Click ok

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Scale or Resize an object - Librecad Tutorial

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How to resize or scale an object :
1. Block the object
2. Select scale tool
3. Click at reference point
4. Fill the scale number
5. Select Delete Original
6. Click Ok

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Mirror an object - Librecad Tutorial

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Mirror an object in librecad :
1. Block/select the object
2. Click Mirror tool
3. Click on first mirror line
4. Click on second mirror line
5. Select "keep original" if you want to mirror and copy the object
6. Select "delete original" if you want to mirror and move the object
7. Click ok

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How to Change Workspace Background - LIBRECAD Tutorial - Librecad Tutorial

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Change workspace background :
1. Go to options
2. Aplication preferences
3. Change the background color
4. Click ok

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Trim use to cut the line or multiple lines.
Trim two use to cut two lines.

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How to Fillet in Librecad

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1. Select fillet command
2. Specify the radius
3. Click at the first line
4. Click at the second

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How To Extend Line With Lengthen or Trim Commands, Librecad Tutorial

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Extend Line Using Lengthen Command :
1. Select lengthen command
2. Specify the length / distance
3. Click on the line you want to extend

Extend Line Using Trim Command :
1. Select trim command
2. Click on the limiting line
3. Click on the line you want to extend

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How to Use Explode Command

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Explode command is a very useful tool to design in Librecad,
1. Block the object
2. Select explode comand

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How to Create a Block - Librecad Tutorial

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1. Draw your entity
2. From the menu select Block Create Block
3. Select your entity that will make up the block
4. Once the entity have been selected press the ENTER key
5. Specify the reference point of the block
6. The reference point is the base of the object when it is inserted
7. Write a unique name for the new block

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