Still no solution for inserting LibreCAD image into LibreOffice Writer

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Still no solution for inserting LibreCAD image into LibreOffice Writer

4 years ago I asked for help inserting LibreCAD images into LibreOffice Writer documents and I tried the provided suggestions with no results (through Inkscape, LibreOffice Draw, export to PNG, printing to EPS not possible. I cannot find the EPS option, etc)
It is a bit strange that nobody but me is having problems with this common use of images.
Another answer is that nobody uses LibreCAD images as part of document illustration.
But I'd find it very helpful for illustrating technics documents for example.
Any new ideas so far?
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Re: Still no solution for inserting LibreCAD image into LibreOffice Writer

Export as MakerCAM SVG:
but note that LibreOffice Writer is known to have
terrible performance with SVG files.
Maybe they have fixed that... I haven't used it in a while.

You could always convert it to another format with InkScape, GIMP,
or any SVG converter.
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Re: Still no solution for inserting LibreCAD image into LibreOffice Writer

In reply to this post by kamaron
Export to Maker CAM SVG doesn't support all elements (tested so), for instance text, dimensions and hatchings are omitted (not needed for CAM).
Better export to PDF. Latest LibreOffice 5.3 is said to support pdf-import, haven't tested it. For use in older LibreOffice version convert the pdf to svg or png using Inkscape (works, tested).
For all this work from 'print preview' to secure proper line widths shown.

A handy quick way is to simply use screenshots.