StyleSheet for Layer Tree?

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StyleSheet for Layer Tree?

I'm working with the style sheet as I get migraines so I keep all my apps on a dark mode. The latest build I successfully built is

I have almost everything the way I want, but cannot get the Layer Tree itself to update the background color.
I've tried
QTreeView {
     background-color: darkgrey;
     selection-color: navy;
     selection-background-color: lightgrey;
     color: white;
     font-size: 12px;

Color works and font-size works, but background-color and selection-color and selection-background-color do not work. I tried even adding the CSS standard !important to the background lines (thinking they are overridden somewhere else) but to no avail. I've included a screen capture of what I'm seeing. (and yes, the QTreeView section I said before is at end of style sheet so should be nothing in my style sheet overriding the values)

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Re: StyleSheet for Layer Tree?

digging a little more, the only reference to the TreeView and StyleSheet in the source code shows:
librecad/src/ui/dock_widgets/layers_tree/lc_layertreewidget.cpp:126:    treeView->setStyleSheet("QWidget {background-color: white;}  QScrollBar{ background-color: none }");

So does that mean its forced white background?

Forgot to mention - i use a windows 10 box at work so this is in windows.

(fwiw I develop in linux - work won't let me run the compiler on the windows box and I have linux at home... so that was fun to setup cross-compiling with QT6 etc...)
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Re: StyleSheet for Layer Tree?

yep, sorry - it seems I've forcefully set the explicit stylesheet for the treeview...

Actually, don't remember the reason why, but this will be definitely removed as it affects dark themes.  

I've noted this so it should be changed in the next AppImage.  If you compile LC - you could just comment this for now.
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Re: StyleSheet for Layer Tree?

Ah, yes I will. Thank you!

Downloading latest now and will build tonight.

Thanks for all you do