Is it possible to import a text file which contain plot coordinates and have the plot coordinates plotted automatically by LibreCad?
I think the Read ascii points plugin is what you are looking for.
See Armin
investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
Thanks. I looked at that awhile back, and wondered if there wasn't a more direct and simpler way. Have you used this method?
No, I had not, never had a use case for this plugin.
If the plugin is too inconvenient for you, have a look at this: Most information for Load Command File and Paste Multiple Commands are linked in my reply there. I think the first version with these features was 2.1.2
investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
In reply to this post by LordOfBikes
Hello Armin! With regard to subject plugin: LibreCAD manual, accessed via
LibreCAD "Help" menu, shows an interesting example, at very end,
on how to plot text file coordinates. Here is a screen shot of
the plugin as noted in the example. I've followed the example's
instruction, and the result prints a single line of garble at the
bottom of LibreCAD work area. I copied an pasted text list noted
in the example and saved it as a text file (.odt). Created a
layer and named it (t1). NOW! I go to File - Import ( Verision
2.1.2) gives two options to import, Image or Block. Any ideas!
Thanks Armin.
On 3/31/19 1:02 PM, LordOfBikes [via LibreCAD] wrote: I think the Read ascii points plugin is what you are looking for.
After further research I've discovered my inquires on this
matter is covered, seemingly, in depth. Thank you Arimin, and
please disregard my latest email on subject matter. On 4/2/19 12:28 PM, ultra [via
LibreCAD] wrote:
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