Vertical Dimension Issue

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Vertical Dimension Issue

Performing the following steps:

File --> New
Draw a box in Layer 0
Dimension the vertical side of the box.
Save file (default dxf 2007).

Then open dxf in Autodesk DWG TrueView 2012
Error:  "Invalid or incomplete DXF input".

Steps as above but with a horizontal dimension it opens OK.  Put in a vertical one and it does not.

Is there a workaround other than omitting dimensioning?
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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

Contrarian wrote
Then open dxf in Autodesk DWG TrueView 2012
Error:  "Invalid or incomplete DXF input".

Steps as above but with a horizontal dimension it opens OK.  Put in a vertical one and it does not.

Is there a workaround other than omitting dimensioning?
Tell us version of LibreCAD and Operating System used by you.

Also post dxf file with minimum entities / data.

Can you try some other viewer like:

or explore from:

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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

In reply to this post by Contrarian
Vertical dimension do not exist in dxf are "AcDbRotatedDimension"

And the problem is that it is written code 100 "AcDbRotatedDimension" before
code 50 & 52.

This issue are solved since 2012, Dec 7
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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

Thanks for the replies so far.

hsrai> Tell us version of LibreCAD and Operating System used by you.

LibreCad: 2.0.0beta1
OS:  Windoze 7 Professional SP1 32bit

hsrai> Also post dxf file with minimum entities / data.

Where can files be posted?

hsrai> Can you try some other viewer like:

No.  This is the viewer used by my employer and if they can't see the drawings with this, I'm done.

Rallaz> This issue are solved since 2012, Dec 7

So does that mean a patch exists, or it will be put into a future release?  Looks like 2012-10-30/2.0.0beta1 is the most current on Sourceforge.

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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

Contrarian wrote
Where can files be posted?
An example file would be good to post here in the forum, added to this thread. Only post files that you don't mind sharing with others.

Contrarian wrote

So does that mean a patch exists, or it will be put into a future release?  Looks like 2012-10-30/2.0.0beta1 is the most current on Sourceforge.
Possibly this will be possible for a future release, but currently the devs are compiling new release packages for windows.
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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

In reply to this post by Contrarian
For a updated windows build see my last post in this thread:
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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

Thanks Rallaz, is this for beta 1 or 5?

We need to add these new download releases through source forge to make things straight forward for users to download windows releases.
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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

Is a windows buid from master branch, just after tag beta 5
This buid have a bug saving line width (patched after beta5 are tagged) wait one or two days and I try to upload a new patched version. I'll let you know in this thread
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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

Many thanks Rallaz.

Can we also add this beta 5 as a windows installer file to add here on sourceforge?

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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

Ratchet> An example file would be good to post here in the forum,

Ah, I see where I can upload a file now.


Rallaz> For a updated windows build see my last post in this thread:

I downloaded your Apr 16 2013 build and tried it.  Neither vertical or horizontal dimensioned files made with this version will open in TrueView.  The attached files above were created with each version.  Oct 2012 works, Apr 2013 doesn't.  Maybe the difference between them will provide a clue.

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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

I build the latest code of LibreCAD for windows as installer:

I make a new drawing with a square and added one horizontal & one vertical dimension,
then saved in versions R12, v2000, v2004 & v2007 (attached as zip)
all are opened correctly in AutoCAD 1012 except R12.

Can you test these files in TrueView ?
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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

Rallaz wrote
I build the latest code of LibreCAD for windows as installer:
Thanks rallaz

This is what we need, when we have new ' Windows' version releases we need to have these installer files for windows users to easily download them and install LibreCAD when they are ready.

I have set up a new folder here to keep the latest new windows installer files:

Again - thank you so much :)
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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

In reply to this post by Rallaz
<quote author="Rallaz">

> Can you test these files in TrueView ?


May2013_LibreCAD_SquareTest_Horiz-vert2000 -- OK
May2013_LibreCAD_SquareTest_Horiz-vert2004 -- OK
May2013_LibreCAD_SquareTest_Horiz-vert2007 -- OK
May2013_LibreCAD_SquareTest_Horiz-vertR12   -- Bad ("Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded")

Hope this helps.

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Re: Vertical Dimension Issue

Hi Contrarian,

I added a patch for R12.

You can check if all works using the latest installer: