Just wondering about the dev status for Librecad ...
My Version is 2.1.3 Compiled on Sep 23, 2016 Qt Version 5.4.1 Boost Version: 1.69.0 Question 1 - What is a QT Version? Question 2 - What is a Boost Version? Question 3 - Is there any active development going on now? Question 4 - Any target date for a new release? Question 5 - Who are the lead developers? I'm just wondering because I've invested a number of days to get started using the program ... but now I'm wondering if the developers have lost interest or got involved in other projects so they just don't have a lot of time for Librecad development. I'm fine with whatever on this... as I understand how much work is involved in developing and maintaining software... But if development is at a virtual stand-still or snails pace... Maybe it would be more prudent for me to look for another open-source CAD Program that is being more aggressively improved and maintained. I would really appreciate some info on this before I get so far in it's hard to switch. Thanks for any help. |
1/ & 2/ nuts and bolts that keeps LibreCAD together
![]() 3/ Check github repository : https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/graphs/commit-activity Unofficial release showing progress is 2.2.0-rc4. You can get it from sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/librecad/files/ 4/ Not sure the dev knows... but unofficial release is stable enough for production. 5/ https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/graphs/contributors It is maintained at the fast snail pace but maybe not as fast as users would like...
French hobbyist interested in 2D design. |
Many thanks Fabrice for your answers, I can confirm all of them.
Concerning the next release, I can say that -rc4 is the last release candidate. As there are no major issues reported for -rc4, next is to release official 2.2.0 release soon. But I have no defined date yet.
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In reply to this post by Fran_iii
I am also looking for a CAD SW which will allow me to create simple electrical single lines. I had the same question about active development and user community so thought this would be a good place to come in.
I am using Ubuntu Linux which say I am using Version 2.1.2-1, updated 15.07.2020, source ubuntu-bionic-universe Yesterday I downloaded a Windows version from https://librecad.org/ and chose the first option "from SourceForge". The latest stable version was 2.1.3 last updated 2016-09-23. The only other option was the nightly build. https://sourceforge.net/projects/librecad/files/Windows/ I am not sure how to reconcile the above with the answers provided. I would also be interested to hear from other users what their experience is of using the software particularly for electrical circuits where 2D is less of an impediment :) My thanks too for any help.... |
Concerning the versions I can clarify.
Ubuntu distributors have their routines how they proof and select software for their distributions. Depending on their philosophy and responsibility you find various LibreCAD versions in different Linux distributions. Some stuck with out last tagged release 2.1.x, some began to use latest release candidates for 2.2.0. The SourceForge download 2.1.3 is the last version officially released for productive use. We don't have the capacities to release new versions twice a year or so. But we are near to release version 2.2.0, which will replace the 2.1.3 from 2016. It depends on the Linux distributors how fast they will use it then and if they will provide backports for older distributions. As alternative we provide AppImage binary packages for Linux. Some are hosted on https://sourceforge.net/projects/librecad/files/Linux/. AppImage started with 2.2.0 Release Candidate 3 and is built continuous on GitHub. It is save to use the latest LibreCAD-2.2.0-rc4-8-g5a07ab41-x86_64.AppImage from https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/releases/. Concerning your use-case I recommend to search here in the forum: https://forum.librecad.org/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=search_page&node=4499512&query=electric or our archived wiki https://wiki.librecad.org/index.php?search=electric&title=Special%3ASearch and https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/tree/master/librecad/support/library/elektro I think the elektro libraries from GitHub are already contained in the AppImage and most Linux distros provide it by librecad-data package. But if they are usable for you will depend on national standards I think. Probably you can use some to modify them for your needs.
investing less than half an hour into Search function can save hours or days of waiting for a solution
Thank LordOfBikes,
Glad to hear the new release is nearly there. Thanks to all the developers working on this, sounds like you are one of them. Replacing the 2016 version will be a great milestone, hopefully the distros follow soon. Yes, Ubuntu pulls through a large number of libraries. The Windows version very limited, more an example, probably so as not to overload the nightly build. I am however starting to create my own based on a standard drawing I received. Most of the problem is my limited CAD experience!! Thanks for all the suggestions. |
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