export Drawing to jpeg

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export Drawing to jpeg

Hi to all,
i´am trying to export an drawing to jpeg, but in this case i´am unable to open this file in another programm, because the file has no (zero) bytes.

Best regards immortall
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Re: export Drawing to jpeg

File->Export works for me to save as PNG, with the latest master branch (2.0 series)

Just want to make sure you have set resolution, bitmap size properly.

immortall wrote
Hi to all,
i´am trying to export an drawing to jpeg, but in this case i´am unable to open this file in another programm, because the file has no (zero) bytes.

Best regards immortall
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Re: export Drawing to jpeg

In reply to this post by immortall

i first thought it was because of not setting properly the resolution, but after trying on my own librecad (2.0.0rc1 i just updated) i must conceed there is a problem : file is 96Ko exported to .jpg and is not readable (blank page) while i tried several settings and formats (png, eps) with no success and a lot of (translated from french) "export error" ...

i have a eps file of 7,5 Go but it is "blank" when displayed

thanks for hellping

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Re: export Drawing to jpeg


can you please share the dxf file you want to export and the settings from the export dialog.

For me it worked with LC 2.0.0rc1.

Maybe it is a matter of line width. At first view I wanted to verify your bug report. But then I found my drawing by zooming into the image.
When exporting in printer resolution at 300 or 600 dpi, a fine construction line is still one pixel in width. Displaying the whole image on the screen may make the lines blur to invisibility. Zooming into the image show up the lines.

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Re: export Drawing to jpeg

hi settings for export are as follow : first i tried with "auto" and nothing good happened, file is empty. then i selected 2900x2100 px, 1 pix border V and H, background white, balck and white (also tried color) i was thinking of line thickness (i was on 0,7 mm) so i used 2mm thickness for all the drawings then file is not empty but i do not see nothing with gwenview or with gimp even zooming : support_panneaux_pimp.png support_panneaux_pimp.dxf thanks for your reply
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Re: export Drawing to jpeg


I haven't looked into the sources, but I have a solution for you.

It looks like that the export tool is starting fix from the origin at X0,Y0. Your drawing is completely in -Y direction, thus you got always the empty export image.

Move your drawing from its most left/bottom edge to the origin (red cross), using the Modify-Move/Copy tool. On the export dialog set the width and height of the image measured in units from the origin to the drawing most right/top edge.

Seems that this export tool need some refactoring or documentation.

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