message inside Librecad

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message inside Librecad


If I insert a dxf file, got from an other user, Librecad freeze.

I've to wait or end the programm.

After that I got a message:

Versie: 2.2.0-undef
Compiler: GNU GCC 13.2.0
Gecompileerd op: Apr  8 2024
Qt Version: 5.15.13
Boost Version: 1.83.0
System: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS

What do I heve to do for a good running LibreCad
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Re: message inside Librecad

JWtH wrote
What do I heve to do for a good running LibreCad
Maybe sharing the file?
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Re: message inside Librecad

The problem is stiil on board.

When opening a dxf file I see the drawing. If I try to copy a selection for moving to another layer the programm chrashed. I have to wait or stp the programm.

I happens with all the dxf files I open with this version of Librecad