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User Manual section 8 Dimensioning. I drew rectangle and followed instructions for horizontal dimension. Dimension lines and extensions appeared, but there is no dimension, or arrows at the end of the dimension line. The extension lines begin at the drawing w/no space between the rectangle and the extension line. Just looks like I added another rectangle to the rectangle.
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Re: Dimensioning

This has to do with your settings - current drawing preferences - dimensions. Textsize, extension lines offset and arrowsize are too small in relation to the rectangle. It's quite confusing, I don't understand it completely myself. Additionally you have to consider in what scale the drawing will be printed. Just experiment a little with the dimensioning settings.

Regards  dellus
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Re: Dimensioning

In reply to this post by borgward
The size of the arrows etc is controlled by the options->current drawing preferences->Dimensions.
Just fool around with the settings untill you get what you want.

The dimension text will not appear if the "Draft" button is pressed. This is a little button that looks like a pencil pointed into a corner. It's a toggle, so if there is just a box where the dimension text should be, just press the button and your dimension should appear.

If the mouse doesn't seem to work when doing dimensions (i.e. you have to input on the command line) you probably need to play around with the "snap to" settings on the bottom of the screen. if you hover over the icons it will tell you what they are. I found that activating "snap on end points" and "free snap" at the same time worked best for this.

Don't feel bad, I worked on this for hours trying to figure this out. Hence the post. Hope this helps