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Font Troubles

Posted by craig6548713 on Feb 06, 2023; 11:19pm
URL: https://forum.librecad.org/Font-Troubles-tp5722467.html

Hey guys I've had some troubles with getting fonts to work in Libre and I am completely stumped.

I have this Cannonball design for my shop and I wanted to be able to cut out the words "Cannonball Welding" in our font. So I downloaded the font in an OpenType font file and converted it to TTF file. From here I used the TTF2LLF converter and successfully converted my file to llf.


You can see here that I named the file LibreCADunispace.llf which I later found out that you can't have capitol letters in the font file name so I renamed it as unispace.llf which also didn't work. Both times the font file would not show up under the list of fonts.

I ditched all of that and tried an image to dxf file converter and wrote out the text in word and converted it. It lost all of its clarity.

As a last attempt I tried adobe illustrator. I typed it in adobe illustrator and used their "export as dxf file" option and just typed it there. This finally got my font onto librecad but I was unable to manipulate it and ended up being not apart of the dxf file.

Hopefully this all makes sense and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions I am all ears.
(if it wasn't already apparent I am a very new cad user)

Here is the file I got closest with: ###LibreCannonballv2.dxf

Here is my llf file: unispace.llf